Bum Rich After Buying Bitcoin

    It was February 2nd in the year 2013 when Alfred Aswego bought his one and only Bitcoin for $19.97. At the time of this transaction, Mr. Aswego is what the Los Angeles community would call,"a worthless, street lurking bum". Who got the last laugh though? We caught up with Mr. Aswego who has recently booked 6 months of nights at the Compton, CA Motel 6.

    "I mean hell, who knew that this thing would be worth 8,000 dollars one day. I forgot I even had it, some fuckin' nerd down at Cal Tech sold it to me and when he told me how much it fuckin' was I said, FUCK, 1997 was the year I had sex with my best friends girlfriend! It's got to be a sign! So fuck I fuckin' bought the fuckin' thing."

    Room 13 of Compton's Motel 6 smells of rotting pork, cheeseburgers, warm beer, stale tamales and underarm sweat. There are stained underwear hanging from the lampshade, what looks like a blood stain in the middle of the carpet and boxes of Churches Fried Chicken laid about like decoration. The Andy Griffith show is playing at an unbearably loud volume and Mr. Aswego is laying in his underwear picking his belly button while cleaning between his teeth with a small chicken bone. His sleep apnea keeps him up most nights, but that's nothing a little Schlitz Malt Liquor can't take care of!

    "I'm like a fuckin' free man again! I mean fuck I was fuckin' free out on Skid Row, but this is the life. I'm rich you know what I mean? Those fuckin' nerds know what they are doing with that bullshit! Hey do you know an escort service around here?"

    When asked if he'd buy Bitcoin again, Alfred Aswego mentioned that only a fool would buy fake money at the current price.

Nicolas Cage Claims He Was Sexual Assaulted

The year was 1997 and Nicolas Cage played mad man Castor Troy in the blockbuster SMASH, "Face/Off." But it wasn't all good off the set. Mr. Cage shared a dark secret with our crew during the CMAs last week.

Nicolas Cage claimed that during the final shooting of the movie while he was playing John Travolta's character, he may have sexually assaulted himself. "It was a confusing time, I was already rich as all hell, but I thought maybe I could take it a bit further. I cornered myself in the production bathroom and fingered myself."

This revelation has hit his family the hardest. His wife is threatening to press charges on him for what she calls, "A theft of my husband's innocence and cunning." 

Many actors and actresses teamed up outside of Rosco's Chicken and Waffle late last night and held a rally in support of Cage. Cage's long time best friend Fred Savage said that he also suffered a similar incident on the set of 'Wonder Years' during the early recordings. When asked why Mr. Savage doesn't report this to the authorities he stated, "I want to big names to finish their reporting first, so that I can receive more publicity."